Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Tour of Forbes

I drove this bus to Forbes for one of the tug pilots that flew one of the planes out. I'm getting used to driving on the other side of the road. Now I just have to make sure I don't get run over walking across the street looking the wrong way.
I slept in today and then we headed into town for breakfast. Being it is New Years day the only thing open was Mcdonalds. After breakfast we headed to the hotel where we can get wireless internet for free. You can’t find any free wireless in Australia. The hotel gives us the pass word. Every one was hanging around the hotel for a long time, not too worried about flying. I finally headed out to the airport about 1:00. I set up right away and towed up. I climbed up over the air field with half a dozen pilots. We all headed east towards Forbes together. The climbs were still week and we got to about 1400m over the airport and I was never able to get that high again. I ended up by myself over town and spent a lot of time turning trying to get high. I wanted to stay in the air more than I wanted to go very far. I flew across town and then back to the airport. I wasn’t able to get back over 900m but it was easy to stay off the ground. When I got back to the airport there was a dozen gliders on the ground. I had a two hour flight and did a short 25km triangle. It was good practice and I was happy to be flying

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