Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tough Day

The task was a bow tie we did last year to the NW. I learned my lesson last year about heading out over the green farm land and headed north instead towards the desert. It was hard to make any progress with the poor lift into a slight head wind. I finally just pressed forward to the north after the first start. I was flying with a few other people which really helps on days like this. I saw a few people over the farms to the west and they looked low. I ended up with just one other pilot after the first couple of themals. Conditions seemed to be getting a little better and we were flying well together. We were climbing well together and spread out on glide to increase out chance of finding lift. We went on a long glide and ended up low over the city of Maricopa which was the second turn point we would need to hit after we made the first. My new flying buddy found some weak broken lift and was turning trying hard to get back up. I was looking for places I could posibly land if I needed to as Maricopa looked pretty big and you couldn't just land any where. This turned out to be my down fall as I really need to focus on getting up in the weak lift not looking at landing options. I was some what happy with my day as no one made goal and lots never even got away from the resort. I still managed almost three hours in the air today. Happy to be getting lots of air time.

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