Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A great day ruined by bad weather.

Sorry for not posting sooner. We had a pasta dinner put on for all the pilots last night. By the time I got done flying I didn't have any time before heading off to dinner.

The forecast was for thunder storms yesturday so the task was some what short and they tried to get pilots off as fast as possible. Sadly the launch conditions were very difficult and getting the whole field off was not an easy task. Many people were complaining they didn't have the chance to get the first start. This is normal. It was only a big issue today because the task was stopped and you get scored to where you were when the task is stopped minus 20min. So the earlier you left the further down the course you could make it. Even with my poor 105th launch slot I was still able to get off and at cloud base 2min after the first start.

Given the high chance of showers and the way the sky was looking I deceided to head out on course rather than wait 18min for the next start. This turns out to be a wise choice when the task gets canceled. I head down the ridge instead of on course line as I'm hoping to find better lift along the ride. Talking the long way around staying over the high ground the whole way works well until I get to the turn point. Low at the turn point, I struggled to get back to cloud base. Once pilots catch up from behind we get back to cloud base and head on course. As we get closer to the turn point it's obvious the day had been cancelled as the sky was looking ominous. I was going to head away from the storms to nicer looking clouds and maybe wait to see if the sky would clear so I could make it back to the camp ground. Then I noticed Julia spining down. I looked down and saw 40 hang gliders already on the ground at the sail plane port beneath us. Looks like a party so I started to spin down as well. It was a long way down considering we had just gotten back to cloud base. It was my best scoring day so far. As long as it dosn't get thrown out on protest.

It was a fun day of flying too bad it had to be cut short.

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