Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Last day.
Back in Rylstone.
Bill Moyes, Bobby Bailey and a few others spent the night here and went out for Chinese food again. I’m the only hang glider pilot here so Bobby towed me up in the after noon and I set out to do a triangle as the winds looked very light. I wanted to try to do at least 100km. I’ve never finished any big triangles before. Cloud base was high over 2800m and I was getting climbs of 800ft/min on my averager. I made my turn 37km out as any further would have been over unlandable hills and there was a big storm in front of me about 20 or 30km away. I kept my eye on the storm as I flew the base of my triangle. I was still going good and staying high. I had picked a mountain to make my turn as long as the storm didn’t get too close. I made my turn at the spot I was hoping to get to and turned to run from the storm and back to the airport in Rylstone. As I tried to climb the clouds in front of the storm were casting a huge shadow on the ground and killing the lift. I would run for the sun light but as soon as I would stop to turn the shade would catch up with me and shut down the lift. I finally landed 19.9km from my goal. The gust front hit me five minutes after I landed. I landed at a ranch way off the road. Retrieved turned out to be very difficult. Thanks to Armand for coming to get me. He has been so much help for me; it’s made my trip a lot easier. The ranch hand was very nice and made me tea while I waited. While Armand was losing his mind trying to find me. I wish I would have started my flight 20 minutes earlier so I would have had a better chance to finish my triangle. Would have been 110km. It was the perfect day for it.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
On the road again.
Typical Austrailian high way. Most roads have trees down both sides of the road.
Two of our volunteers who worked hard on the flight line in the blazing heat. Thanks for all your help Amy and Gracey!!
The tug pilots that got us in the air every day.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Last day of the comp. The forecast was good for today. High cloud base strong climbs and lighter winds. At any comp they call a short task on the last day to try and get every one back early for scoring and awards. Here in Forbes a short task turned out to be 137km. Head wind 63km then a hard right and Quartering tail wind. Davis came up to me as I did my usual walk from the back to the front of the launch line to take off first. He said the day is going to get better later so don’t take an early start. I took his advice and hung out for an hour and a half before the mandatory start.
People started towing early as the sky looked good so it wasn’t long before I had lots of company. Before I launched I asked the guy behind me if it was a left or right hand day. He told me he thought it was left. I had a couple guys join me and one started to wave his hand “change direction”. I guess it’s a right hand day. I got into a couple of big gaggles and people were all over the place turning in both directions through out the climb. It was total chaos and scary as hell. I can’t believe people come to these comps and refuse to turn in the direction they are supposed to. I was with the lead gaggle at the second start when every one turned back towards the edge of the start and then out on course. I just flew inside the start circle and headed out on course. I had a great start and was with the lead gaggle for the first time. It was nice to be able fly with guy’s for a change. I was dropped after the first thermal getting screwed up by guys not turning the right way. I saw guys all the way to the first turn point but flew by myself for the most part. I stayed high and cold for most of the flight. Lots of people were low around the first turn point and one glider had landed. I stopped in a slow climb to make sure I had lots of height. This was not needed as the day was still very good. I just didn’t want to take the chance of landing short. After I got around the turn point I flew under a huge cloud and again climbed up slow. I think part of the problem was just me not finding the good lift. After I got over 2400m it really turned on and I was climbing fast. When I got to 2700m I looked up at a very large very black cloud. I figured I’d better book it to the edge before I got sucked up. I stuffed the bar and was still climbing fast. I slowed as I got close to the edge and was over 2900m. I took one more good climb at 2200m to top up a bit when my numbers went positive (+11m). I went on a very long glide from 45km out and my numbers were falling apart. I got down to 1000m and I was -360m. I searched for lift and started to climb just as a dust devil started to form under me. I took this back up to 2500m 18km out from goal. I now had +890m to goal. I went on final glide not knowing exactly where goal was. I called my driver to see if they had a goal line today. She said yes there is a goal line. I continued to fly at 70km/h air speed and my numbers were holding steady. Finally I spotted goal 6km out and buried the bar as I was going to make it easy. I saw two other gliders turning to get down. I arrived more than 300m over goal. I wasted a lot of time but I didn’t want to risk not making it in. I asked for the wind direction and was told it was light and variable. I dived into the field. I flared a little late and didn’t have the energy to run. I just fell down and pounded in. It was my worst landing all week. I just wanted to lay there on the ground for a bit but figured I better get up before some one called an ambulance. I was glad I was able to end the comp on a good note.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Way off on the forecast.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Rest day
Monday, January 7, 2008
Moyes girls
The kids checking out my glider after I landed. They were very polite and curious.
Hanging in the shade with some new friends.
Today they called a 176 km down wind task. Then they pushed back the launch back 20min then they called a 162 km triangle back to the air field. Then they pushed the launch back another 15 min. The first start was now 3:00. Since it was so late every one jumped into the launch line and I was left to tow last. I was climbing over the air field for the first start, but was close to the edge of the start circle for the mandatory start for the top 20. I didn’t think I was quite high enough to start so I let them go to try and get to cloud base. This may have been a mistake as I ended up flying alone. I have not been flying well and could have used the help. Climbs were good and cloud base was high over 3000m. I went on course when I lost my thermal at 2400m. I was getting a good glide but was unable to stay high. I was below 700m before I found my next climb. I turned in poor lift before I found the core and got back up to 2300m. I got low again and search for some decent lift. I was able to hold on for a long time in the heat at 200m. Finally I just gave up and landed at a farm 12km short of the first turn point. The family was very nice and helped bring my gear back to the house in some shade. After bringing me into the house to use the phone and gave me some cold water and a snack I started to tear down my glider. I wasn’t packed up when my ride showed up. She was shaking her head as it seems every time I land I have a crowd with me. The people are so nice here it helps take the pain out of landing short. I think Atilla won the day again with 15 making goal. Lots landed just short running out of lift. The last 20 minutes they delayed cost at least six people making it in.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Landed at the first turn point again.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
One of the group that came out to see me after I landed. With the tough conditions at the turn point they were able to see a lot of the gliders over town low.
Part of my new fan club. The sheeps name is "sheepy"
I had a big crowd come out to see me after I landed. I got to meet some very nice, friendly people. Part of the fun of flying cross country is the random people you get to meet. I’d like to say hi to my new Aussie friends. Thank you for your kindness!! Not every one in the world is as hospitable
Thermaled into the ground.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Tow practice
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Short flight, long retrieve.
Vicki Cain meet organizer during registration.
Tour of Forbes
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Flying in Gulgong.
I set up my glider when we arrived at the glider club in Gulgong. Moyes is doing a coaching clinic along with a tour to different sites around NSW. After Geoff did a talk on aero towing we started to get ready to go. They were having a hard time trying to decide on a task so every one just kind of did there own thing. The lift was light with a 20km wind out of the east. When I topped out in the lift I was with two other pilots. Two of us set out down wind. Rob the Dutch pilot and myself. We went on a long glide and found no lift. I didn’t want to land by myself because I had no radio or cell phone. So I stuck close to Rob which didn’t help much trying to find the lift on a weak day. We spotted some cattle stampeding in a field off to our left and made a ninety degree turn in a last hope to try and find some lift. They were starting to kicking off some thermals but we were unable to stay up long enough for the lift to come together. Rob picked a field and landed just before me. I had an hour flight and a short 5km xc flight.
A Couple more photo's
Learning to drive on the other side of the road?!
We headed to the Moyes factory about five minutes from the airport where I got to meet a few people and have a shower. After a couple hours getting things packed up into Dave’s car we head off to Rylstone for the Forbes Rally. It was a three hour drive to a small grass air strip. In the car we had Rob, a Dutch pilot, Mickey from Austria, Cantina from Germany, Dave from Australia and me. I always find it so cool at events like this when you get together with people from around the world.
When we get to Rylstone I find out Armond had crashed earlier and dislocated his shoulder. He was taken to hospital and wanted me to drive his car for him. It was still early and the guys decided to set up and go for a flight. I pulled my glider off the car and started to put it back together after being short packed for the trip. It took me a couple hours to get it all set up and I was running for my harness to go for a flight. I got myself all ready to go and a Brazilian pilot that was there acted as my ground crew. He signalled the tug to go and I was off. The air was silky smooth as we climbed out over the airport. They have had a lot of rain here over the last few weeks after seven years of drought. The whole country side was green and lush. The Aussies here are amazed how green every thing is. The tug pilot finds the last thermal of the day and waves me off in light lift. As I circle in very light lift I mostly just maintain my height but do manage to gain a few hundred feet. As I soak in the beauty of the country side I reflect on the day I have had and how lucky I am to be here. After an awesome half hour flight I come in and stuck my landing.