The kids checking out my glider after I landed. They were very polite and curious.
Hanging in the shade with some new friends.
Today they called a 176 km down wind task. Then they pushed back the launch back 20min then they called a 162 km triangle back to the air field. Then they pushed the launch back another 15 min. The first start was now 3:00. Since it was so late every one jumped into the launch line and I was left to tow last. I was climbing over the air field for the first start, but was close to the edge of the start circle for the mandatory start for the top 20. I didn’t think I was quite high enough to start so I let them go to try and get to cloud base. This may have been a mistake as I ended up flying alone. I have not been flying well and could have used the help. Climbs were good and cloud base was high over 3000m. I went on course when I lost my thermal at 2400m. I was getting a good glide but was unable to stay high. I was below 700m before I found my next climb. I turned in poor lift before I found the core and got back up to 2300m. I got low again and search for some decent lift. I was able to hold on for a long time in the heat at 200m. Finally I just gave up and landed at a farm 12km short of the first turn point. The family was very nice and helped bring my gear back to the house in some shade. After bringing me into the house to use the phone and gave me some cold water and a snack I started to tear down my glider. I wasn’t packed up when my ride showed up. She was shaking her head as it seems every time I land I have a crowd with me. The people are so nice here it helps take the pain out of landing short. I think Atilla won the day again with 15 making goal. Lots landed just short running out of lift. The last 20 minutes they delayed cost at least six people making it in.
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